Feature: Sticky posts
Scenario: Sticking an unpromoted post
Given I'm logged in as an administrator
And I'm viewing an unpromoted post
When I click on the grey pin at the bottom of the post
Then the pin should become blue
And the post should be sticked at the top of the group page it belongs to
Scenario: Sticking a promoted post
Given I'm logged in as an administrator
And I'm viewing an promoted post
When I click on the grey pin at the bottom of the post
Then the pin should become blue
And the post should be sticked at the top of the front page
And the post should be sticked at the top of the group page it belongs to
Scenario: Unsticking a post
Given I'm logged in as an administrator
And I'm viewing a post
When I click on the blue pin at the bottom of the post
Then the pin should become grey
And the post should not be sticked at the top of any page it appears on
How to post adds in community 0
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