QL Team
- Total activity 67
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- Following 0 users
- Followed by 7 users
- Votes 2
- Subscriptions 28
Votes on activity by QL Team-
Feature: Log in
Scenario: Logging in with existing user account Given I'm on the login formWhen I fill in my QatarLiving user name and passwordAnd I submit the formThen I should get logged inAnd I should see my us...
Feature: Promoted classified ads
Scenario: Administrator promoting ad Given I'm logged in as an administratorAnd I'm viewing a classified adWhen I click on the grey star at the bottom of the adThen the star should become blueAnd t...
Feature: Infinite scroll
Scenario: Front page Given I'm on the front pageWhen I scroll to the bottom of the pageThen I should see more posts getting loaded Scenario: Classifieds page Given I'm on the classifieds pageWhen I...
Feature: Registering new account
Scenario: Registering new account Given I'm on the registration formWhen I enter my detailsAnd I submit the formThen I should get a registration email with further instruction Scenario: Following i...
Feature: Promoted posts
Scenario: Promoting a post Given I'm logged in as an administratorAnd I'm viewing a postWhen I click on the grey star at the bottom of the postThen the star should become blueAnd the post should ap...
Feature: Responsive layout
Scenario: Desktop browser Given I'm using the site with a desktop browser, such as on a Macbook ProWhen I'm viewing the front pageThen the layout should appear with three columns Scenario: Tablet b...
Feature: Sticky posts
Scenario: Sticking an unpromoted post Given I'm logged in as an administratorAnd I'm viewing an unpromoted postWhen I click on the grey pin at the bottom of the postThen the pin should become blueA...
Feature: Requesting new password
Scenario: Requesting new password Given I'm on the "Request new password form"When I enter my user name or email addressAnd I submit the formThen I should get an email with a one-time login link Sc...
Feature: User verifiction workflow
Scenario: Posting ad with anonymous new account Given I'm a new anonymous userAnd I'm on the front pageWhen I click on "Post an ad"And I choose a categoryAnd I submit the formThen I should be redir...